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GI18Gimnasia [ gymnasia ]
Placidi : Gimnasia [ gymnasia ]
dicuntur loca, in quibus nudi homines exercentur. Vnde omnium prope artium exercitati adgennasi+
P ] -nusi LA
(Plac. lib. rom. 24, 11; gloss. Sil. Plac. 106, 16)
GI 18. Plac.] ad GI 17 A (non V).
Textus fontis:
Plac. lib. rom.: Gimnasia dicuntur loca, in quibus nudi homines exercentur. Vnde omnium prope artium exercitia gimnasia dicuntur. — gloss. Sil. Plac.: Gymnasia dicuntur . loca in quibus nudi homines exercentur . unde homnium prope artium exercitia gymnasya dicuntur
L 140vaA 135vbP 24va
L P (plahidi P] om. A
LA ] gy- P