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Pauli: Hiat
per h scribendum.
(= Orth. Bern. I p. 293, 23 ; Dist. uerb. 8 p. 504 ; 22 p. 507 ; cfr Cassiod. orth. 9 p. 200, 10)
Textus fontis:
'Hiat' per h scribendum --- Hiat, honos per h, onus per o. --- Hiat, honos per h, onus per o. (Cassiod. : Omnis vocalis vocali illata, seu divisa seu in diphthongo copulata, caret adspiratione, ut aenus aeneus aedes aedilis aeger Aelius Aemilius aequus aequor aes aestimo aestas aevum auceps audeo audax ausus audio augurium augeo aufero aulaeum aura auris aurum ausculto autumo et aut coniunctio, exceptis haedus haereo haud haurio hio hisco et quicquid ab his componitur vel derivatur. )
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