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You can type a complete word or only its first letters followed by .?

This field allows to search the sources as indicated by Lib. gl. (e.g.: Esidori, de glosis; or Esi.? or glo.?).

This field allows to search the references given in this edition, using our Index of sigla. You can search only an author or a specific work (e.g.: Aug. or Aug. serm. or serm.).

This field allows to filter sources by one or more domains, e.g.: GEO for "Geography" or MATH for "Mathematics". The 13 predefined domains are listed under "Search tips".

Search tips

  • This page supports Regular Expressions (REGEX) [see a presentation here; and a more detailed tutorial by Jan Goyvaerts].
  • Remember that fields are case sensitive: write exactly Isid. etym., but not isid. etym. nor Isid. Etym..
  • Here .? works like * in simple search page.
  • You can fill one or more fields to refine queries, e.g.: in 'author' glo.? and in 'reference' Abstr.? to get only the Abstrusa items having a source tag in the first result's table).
  • This formula H{0,1}[EIYeiy]s[iy]d. (or H?[EIYeiy]s[iy]d.) allows to find all Isidorus tags.
  • The following 13 domains have been predefined: BIBL ("Biblical"), DIAL ("Dialectics"), ENCYCL ("Encyclopaedia"), GEO ("Geography"), GLOSS ("Glossaries"), GRAMM ("Grammar"), HIST ("History"), INST ("Institutions"), MATH "(Mathematics"), MED ("Medicine"), NAT ("Nature"), PATR ("Patristics"), RHET ("Rhetoric").