The blue marks indicate your exact position: the letter and subdivisions (section, three first letters, root and entry) related to the word displayed. Click anywhere to browse another letter, section or subdivision.
- GA1 Gabaon
- GA2 Gabaonite
- GA3 Gabbares
- GA4 Gabbaros
- GA5 Gabios
- GA6 Gabrihel
- GA7 Gaddes
- GA8 Gaddis
- GA9 Gaditanum fretum
- GA10 Gaditanus lapis
- GA11 Gagates lapis
- GA12 Gai
- GA13 Gala
- GA14 Galla
- GA15 Gala
- GA16 Galacteam
- GA17 Galactites
- GA18 Galactitis
- GA19 Galactitis
- GA20 Galantes
- GA21 Galatas
- GA22 Galatae
- GA23 Galate
- GA24 Galate
- GA25 Galatea
- GA26 Galatea reliquid
- GA27 Galatea
- GA28 Galatice
- GA29 Galahat
- GA30 Galahat
- GA31 Galahat
- GA32 Galbaneos
- GA33 Galbanum
- GA34 Galbanum
- GA35 Galeam
- GA36 Galea
- GA37 Galearia
- GA38 Galea ima
- GA39 Galleci
- GA40 Gallecum uentum
- GA41 Galenum
- GA42 Galenus
- GA43 Galerium
- GA44 Galeros
- GA45 Galeros
- GA46 Galerum
- GA47 Galerum
- GA48 Gallienus
- GA49 Galgat
- GA50 Galli
- GA51 Gallia autem Senones
- GA52 Gallia Belgica
- GA53 Gallia Lugdunsis
- GA54 Gallia
- GA55 Galiaria
- GA56 Gallicinium
- GA57 Gallicinium
- GA58 Galli crista
- GA59 Gallicula
- GA60 Gallicula
- GA61 Gallicula
- GA62 Gallicum
- GA63 Gallicum
- GA64 Gallicus
- GA65 Galilea
- GA66 Galilea
- GA67 Galilei
- GA68 Galit
- GA69 Galiuit
- GA70 Galnapes
- GA71 Galos
- GA72 Gallum
- GA73 Gallus
- GA74 Gallus
- GA75 Gamma
- GA76 Gammatam
- GA77 Gammeon
- GA78 Gamos
- GA79 Gamum
- GA80 Ganafus
- GA81 Ganea
- GA82 Ganei
- GA83 Ganeo
- GA84 Ganeo
- GA85 Ganeo
- GA86 Ganeo
- GA87 Ganeo
- GA88 Ganeo
- GA89 Ganeon siue ganeo
- GA90 Ganeus
- GA91 Gangalizes
- GA92 Gangarida
- GA93 Gangaride
- GA94 Gangaridum
- GA95 Gangaridum
- GA96 Ganges
- GA97 Ganges
- GA98 Ganges
- GA99 Gangia
- GA100 Gangrena
- GA101 Ganimedes
- GA102 Gannire
- GA103 Gannit
- GA104 Ganniunt
- GA105 Gante
- GA106 Garamantes
- GA107 Garamantes
- GA108 Garamantis
- GA109 Garganus
- GA110 Gargara
- GA111 Gargaron
- GA112 Garrire
- GA113 Garrire
- GA114 Garrire et loqui
- GA115 Garrit
- GA116 Garrit
- GA117 Garrit
- GA118 Garrit
- GA119 Garrit
- GA120 Garrit
- GA121 Garros
- GA122 Ga
- GA123 Garrulitas
- GA124 Garrulitas
- GA125 Garrulitatem
- GA126 Garrulitates
- GA127 Garrulit
- GA128 Garrulus
- GA129 Garrulus
- GA130 Garrulus
- GA131 Garrulus
- GA132 Garrulus
- GA133 Garum
- GA134 Gas
- GA135 Gasiongaber
- GA136 Gaso
- GA137 Gastrimargia
- GA138 Gastrimargia
- GA139 Gastrimargia
- GA140 Gastrimargia
- GA141 Gath
- GA142 Gath
- GA143 Gauata
- GA144 Gaudens
- GA145 Gaudent
- GA146 Gaudia
- GA147 Gaudium
- GA148 Gauiam
- GA149 Gauina
- GA150 Gaulalum
- GA151 Gauloem
- GA152 Gaulus
- GA153 Gaupolum
- GA154 Gaurito
- GA155 Gaza
- GA156 Gaza
- GA157 Gaza
- GA158 Gaza
- GA159 Gaza
- GA160 Gaza
- GA161 Gaza
- GA162 Gazam
- GA163 Gazarenos
- GA164 Gazate
- GA165 Gaze
- GA166 Gaze
- GA167 Gazetum
- GA168 Gazis
- GA169 Gazofilicia
- GA170 Gazofilatia
- GA171 Gazofilatium
- GA172 Gazofilatium
- GA173 Gazofilatium
- GA174 Gazofilia
- GE1 Ge
- GE2 Ge
- GE3 Gea
- GE4 Gebal
- GE5 Gebuseus
- GE6 Gecor
- GE7 Gectan
- GE8 Gedeon
- GE9 Gedeon
- GE10 Gehenna
- GE11 Geenna
- GE12 Geennae nominis
- GE13 Gehennon
- GE14 Gelant
- GE15 Gelboe
- GE16 Gelboe
- GE17 Gelela
- GE18 Gelgel
- GE19 Gelli
- GE20 Gelidas ad Arcrtos
- GE21 Gelidum
- GE22 Gelus
- GE23 Gelidus orror
- GE24 Gelonos
- GE25 Gelos
- GE26 Gelu
- GE27 Gelus
- GE28 Gemalis
- GE29 Gemme
- GE30 Gemens
- GE31 Gemens
- GE32 Gemens
- GE33 Gaemetres
- GE34 Geminam prolem
- GE35 Geminanter
- GE36 Geminat
- GE37 Geminatis
- GE38 Geminatur
- GE39 Gemini
- GE40 Gemini
- GE41 Gemini
- GE42 Gemino
- GE43 Gemino
- GE44 Geminos
- GE45 Geminos
- GE46 Geminos Atrides
- GE47 Geminos anguis
- GE48 Geminos
- GE49 Geminos Triones
- GE50 Gemino
- GE51 Geminum
- GE52 Geminum
- GE53 Geminum
- GE54 Geminum
- GE55 Geminum
- GE56 Geminis utroque
- GE57 Gemitu
- GE58 Gemitu
- GE59 Gemitu
- GE60 Gemitu
- GE61 Gemitum
- GE62 Gemitum
- GE63 Gemitum dat
- GE64 Gemitus
- GE65 Gemitus
- GE66 Gemitus
- GE67 Gemit
- GE68 Gennas
- GE69 Genas
- GE70 Genas
- GE71 Gene
- GE72 Gene
- GE73 Gene
- GE74 Gene
- GE75 Gene
- GE76 Genealogia
- GE77 Genealogia
- GE78 Genearca
- GE79 Geneceum
- GE80 Geneceum
- GE81 Gener
- GE82 Gener
- GE83 Gener
- GE84 Genera uerborum
- GE85 Genera
- GE86 Genera aduersis
- GE87 Generale
- GE88 Generale
- GE89 Generalia nomina
- GE90 Generalis
- GE91 Generare
- GE92 Generare et parturire
- GE93 Generate
- GE94 Generatim
- GE95 Generatim
- GE96 Generatura
- GE97 Generatur
- GE98 Generatus
- GE99 Genere obscuro
- GE100 Generi nostro
- GE101 Generis confidentia
- GE102 Generis fiducia
- GE103 Generis uestri
- GE104 Generis uim
- GE105 Generosus
- GE106 Generosus
- GE107 Generosum
- GE108 Generosum
- GE109 Generot
- GE110 Generum
- GE111 Gennesar
- GE112 Gennesar
- GE113 Genesis
- GE114 Genesis
- GE115 Genesis
- GE116 Genesta
- GE117 Genetliatici
- GE118 Genetricis
- GE119 Genetrix
- GE120 Genetrix pulcerrima
- GE121 Geniales
- GE122 Geniales
- GE123 Genialis
- GE124 Geniales lecti
- GE125 Geniales lecti
- GE126 Genialibus lectis
- GE127 Geniatus
- GE128 Genialis
- GE129 Geniculare
- GE130 Geniculationibus
- GE131 Geniculat
- GE132 Genicularis erba
- GE133 Genimen
- GE134 Genimina
- GE135 Genimini
- GE136 Genimino
- GE137 Geniolus
- GE138 Genisidium
- GE139 Gen
- GE140 Geniste
- GE141 Geniset
- GE142 Genitalia
- GE143 Genitalia
- GE144 Genitali aruo
- GE145 Genitiuus casus
- GE146 Genitiuus casus
- GE147 Genitor
- GE148 Genitor
- GE149 Genitorem et patrem
- GE150 Genitor
- GE151 Genitor
- GE152 Genitores
- GE153 Genitor
- GE154 Genitori imaginem
- GE155 Genitoris imaginem
- GE156 Genitori
- GE157 Genituras
- GE158 Genitura
- GE159 Genitura
- GE160 Genitur
- GE161 Genitus
- GE162 Genium
- GE163 Genium
- GE164 Geniumne loci
- GE165 Genos
- GE166 Gennos
- GE167 Genosticus
- GE168 Gens
- GE169 Gens
- GE170 Gens
- GE171 Gens crudelis
- GE172 Gens inimica
- GE173 Gentem
- GE174 Gentem et gentes et genus
- GE175 Gentem togatam
- GE176 Gentem togatam
- GE177 Gentem togatam
- GE178 Gentem togatam
- GE179 Gentem nefandam
- GE180 Gente sub Haectore
- GE181 Gentes superuas
- GE182 Gentiana
- GE183 Gentiles
- GE184 Gentibus
- GE185 Genti nomen dedit
- GE186 Gentis
- GE187 Gentis
- GE188 Gentis
- GE189 Gentis
- GE190 Gentis Dardane
- GE191 Gentis honor
- GE192 Gentis onus
- GE193 Gentum geminus Briareus
- GE194 Genua
- GE195 Genua
- GE196 Genuam amplexus
- GE197 Genuere
- GE198 Genuina
- GE199 Genuinorum
- GE200 Genuinos
- GE201 Genuinum
- GE202 Genuinum
- GE203 Genuinum
- GE204 Genuinum
- GE205 Genuinus
- GE206 Genuit
- GE207 Genuit
- GE208 Genuit
- GE209 Genuit
- GE210 Genus
- GE211 Genus
- GE212 Genus
- GE213 Genus
- GE214 Genus
- GE215 Genus
- GE216 Genus
- GE217 Genus
- GE218 Genus a Iobe summo
- GE219 Genus Eneadum
- GE220 Genus esse deorum
- GE221 Genus futurum
- GE222 Genus nostrum
- GE223 Genusus
- GE224 Genus
- GE225 Genus trahens
- GE226 Geomantia
- GE227 Geometer
- GE228 Geometra
- GE229 Geometria
- GE230 Geometria
- GE232 Geometrice
- GE233 Geon
- GE234 Geon
- GE235 Georgius
- GE236 Gepte
- GE237 Gera
- GE238 Gera botane
- GE239 Gera
- GE240 Geranda
- GE241 Geran nosen
- GE242 Geraris
- GE243 Gerras
- GE244 Gerebat
- GE245 Gerens
- GE246 Gerens
- GE247 Gerere
- GE248 Gerere et ferre
- GE249 Genere
- GE250 Geret
- GE251 Geret
- GE252 Gergeseus
- GE253 Gericontinum murum
- GE254 Gerionem
- GE255 Gerit
- GE256 Gerit
- GE257 Gerit
- GE258 Gerit
- GE259 Gerit scius
- GE260 Geritis amnem
- GE261 Geritur
- GE262 Germani
- GE263 Germani
- GE264 Germanus
- GE265 Germana
- GE266 Germanam sororem
- GE267 Germani
- GE268 Germanos
- GE269 Germana
- GE270 Germaniae gentes
- GE271 Germania
- GE272 Germen
- GE273 Ger
- GE274 Gero
- GE275 Gero
- GE276 Gero
- GE277 Geros
- GE278 Gerulus
- GE279 Gerula
- GE280 Gerulus
- GE281 Gerulus
- GE282 Gerulus
- GE283 Gerulus
- GE284 Geruria
- GE285 Gessa
- GE286 Gesaris
- GE287 Gessarum
- GE288 Gescit
- GE289 Gessemani
- GE290 Gesen
- GE291 Gesserat
- GE292 Gesserat
- GE293 Gesserat
- GE294 Gesseret
- GE295 Gesserit
- GE296 Gersi
- GE297 Gersi
- GE298 Gessimus
- GE299 Gessimus
- GE300 Gessit
- GE301 Gessit
- GE302 Gestamina uirum
- GE303 Gestamus
- GE304 Gestare
- GE304a Gestare
- GE305 Gestarum
- GE306 Gestat
- GE307 Gestatiuncula
- GE308 Gestator
- GE309 Gestatur
- GE310 Gestiamus
- GE311 Gestiens
- GE312 Gestiens
- GE313 Gestio
- GE314 Gestio
- GE315 Gestio
- GE316 Gestio
- GE317 Gestit
- GE318 Gestit
- GE319 Gestit
- GE320 Gestit
- GE321 Gestit
- GE322 Gestum
- GE323 Gestum
- GE324 Gestus
- GE325 Geth
- GE326 Get
- GE327 Get
- GE328 Getaguer
- GE329 Geta
- GE330 Getage garrit
- GE331 Getas
- GE332 Gete
- GE333 Gete
- GE334 Getei
- GE335 Geter
- GE336 Getia
- GE337 Geticis aruis
- GE338 Geticis aruis
- GE339 Getula
- GE340 Getule
- GE341 Getuli
- GE342 Getuli
- GE343 Getia
- GE344 Getulis
- GE345 Getulus
- GE346 Geumeter
- GE347 Geumetrice
- GE348 Gezabel
- GI1 Gias
- GI2 Gias
- GI3 Gian
- GI4 Gigantes
- GI5 Gibbi
- GI6 Gidris
- GI7 Gigantes
- GI8 Gigantomatia
- GI9 Gignens
- GI10 Gignentes
- GI11 Gignet
- GI12 Gignit
- GI13 Gignitur
- GI14 Gignitur
- GI15 Giluus
- GI16 Giluus
- GI17 Gimnas
- GI18 Gimnasia
- GI19 Gimnasia
- GI20 Gimnasia
- GI21 Gimnases
- GI22 Gimnasium
- GI23 Gimnasium
- GI24 Gimnasium
- GI25 Gimnasium
- GI26 Gimnasium
- GI27 Gymnasius
- GI28 Gymnatis
- GI29 Gymnaticis
- GI30 Gymnicus ludus
- GI31 Gymnica
- GI32 Gymnos
- GI33 Gymnosofiste
- GI34 Gymnosophiste
- GI35 Gingiue
- GI36 Gippides
- GI37 Gipsum
- GI38 Gipsum
- GI39 Girgillus
- GI40 Giris
- GI41 Giros
- GI42 Girsit
- GI43 Girus
- GI44 Gisma
- GI45 Gissus
- GI46 Giulca
- GI47 Git
- GI48 Gisum
- GL1 Glaber
- GL2 Glaber
- GL3 Glaber
- GL4 Glaber
- GL5 Glaber
- GL6 Glaber
- GL7 Glabros
- GL8 Glacialem potum
- GL9 Glacie
- GL10 Glacies
- GL11 Gladiatores
- GL12 Gladii ancipites
- GL13 Gladiolus
- GL14 Gladius
- GL15 Gladius
- GL16 Gladius
- GL17 Gladius Marcellus
- GL18 Gladium
- GL19 Glarea
- GL20 Glarea
- GL21 Glarea
- GL22 Glareas
- GL23 Glaream
- GL24 Glauca
- GL25 Glauca
- GL26 Glauca
- GL27 Glauci
- GL28 Glaucus
- GL29 Glaucus
- GL30 Glaucus
- GL31 Glaucus
- GL32 Glaucus
- GL33 Glaucus
- GL34 Gleba
- GL35 Gleba
- GL36 Gleba
- GL37 Gleba
- GL38 Glebe
- GL39 Glebo
- GL40 Glebo
- GL41 Glescit
- GL42 Glesidem
- GL43 Gleucon
- GL44 Glibanum
- GL45 Glicin
- GL46 Gliciriza
- GL47 Gliciriza
- GL48 Glirem
- GL49 Glires
- GL50 Glirium
- GL51 Gliscere
- GL52 Gliscere
- GL53 Gliscet
- GL54 Gliscit
- GL55 Gliscit
- GL56 Gliscit
- GL57 Gliscit
- GL58 Glibatis
- GL59 Glibe
- GL60 Globa
- GL61 Globas
- GL62 Globat
- GL63 Globata
- GL64 Globatos
- GL65 Globatum
- GL66 Globos
- GL67 Globos
- GL68 Globos
- GL69 Globos
- GL70 Globos igne eructuant
- GL71 Globosus
- GL72 Globum
- GL73 Globum
- GL74 Globum
- GL75 Globus
- GL76 Globus
- GL77 Globus
- GL78 Globus
- GL79 Globus
- GL80 Globus
- GL81 Globus
- GL82 Globus
- GL83 Glomeramur
- GL84 Glomerans
- GL85 Glomerantur
- GL86 Glomerantur
- GL87 Glomerantur
- GL88 Glomerant
- GL89 Glomerare
- GL90 Glomerare
- GL91 Glomerare
- GL92 Glomerare
- GL93 Glomerat
- GL94 Glomerat
- GL95 Glomerat
- GL96 Glomerat
- GL97 Glomerati
- GL98 Glomeratum
- GL99 Gloria
- GL100 Gloria
- GL101 Gloria
- GL102 Gloria
- GL103 Gloria
- GL104 Gloria
- GL105 Gloria
- GL106 Gloria
- GL107 Gloria
- GL108 Gloria forensis
- GL109 Gloriatur
- GL110 Gloriosus
- GL111 Gloriosus
- GL112 Glossapetra
- GL113 Glossa
- GL114 Glossema
- GL115 Glossa
- GL116 Glouus
- GL117 Glumit
- GL118 Gluttit
- GL119 Glutto
- GL120 Glutto
- GL121 Gluuauit
- GL122 Gluuit
- GN1 Gnarificationum
- GN2 Gnarorum
- GN3 Gnaruris
- GN4 Gnarus
- GN5 Gnarus
- GN6 Gnarus
- GN7 Gnarus
- GN8 Gnarus
- GN9 Gnarus
- GN10 Gnarus
- GN11 Gnarus
- GN12 Gnarus
- GN13 Gnarus
- GN14 Gnarus sum
- GN15 Gnati
- GN16 Gnatique patrisque
- GN17 Gnatus
- GN18 Gnatus
- GN19 Gnauus
- GN20 Gnauus
- GN21 Gnauus
- GN22 Gnoite et Tritoite
- GN23 Gnoritur
- GN24 Gnoscet
- GN25 Gnosia
- GN26 Gnosia
- GN27 Gnosis
- GN28 Gnosium
- GN29 Gnostici
- GN30 Gnosti seauton
- GN31 Gnothi
- GO1 Goeneclam superiorem
- GO2 Gog et Magog
- GO3 Gog et Magog
- GO4 Golgota
- GO5 Golgota
- GO6 Gome
- GO7 Gomer
- GO8 Gomer
- GO9 Gomer
- GO10 Gomi
- GO11 Gomor
- GO12 Gomor
- GO13 Gomor
- GO14 Gomor
- GO15 Gomor
- GO16 Gonorria
- GO17 Gordien
- GO18 Gorgades
- GO19 Gorgo
- GO20 Gorgone
- GO21 Gorgones
- GO22 Gorgoror
- GO23 Gorgos
- GO24 Gorgoteron
- GO25 Gorrida
- GO26 Gorrionos
- GO27 Goti
- GO28 Gotorum
- GO29 Gothi
- GO30 Gotoniel
- GR1 Gracile
- GR2 Gracilis
- GR3 Gracilis
- GR4 Gracilis
- GR5 Gracilis
- GR6 Gradatim
- GR7 Gradatim
- GR8 Gradibus
- GR9 Gradiens
- GR10 Gradiens
- GR11 Gradiens
- GR12 Gradipes
- GR13 Gradiunt
- GR14 Gradiuum
- GR15 Gradiuum
- GR16 Gradum
- GR17 Gradum confert
- GR18 Gradum
- GR19 Grafia
- GR20 Grafin
- GR21 Grafium
- GR22 Gragulos aues
- GR23 Gragulus
- GR24 Grai
- GR25 Graia
- GR26 Graia ab urbe
- GR27 Graie
- GR28 Graie garrit
- GR29 Graie acies
- GR30 Graio nomine
- GR31 Graios
- GR32 Graiumque
- GR33 Graiugenum
- GR34 Gramma
- GR35 Gramma
- GR36 Grammatica
- GR37 Gramatica
- GR38 Gramatica
- GR39 Gramatica
- GR40 Grammatici
- GR41 Grammaticos
- GR42 Grammaticus
- GR43 Grammaticus
- GR44 Gramen
- GR45 Gramen
- GR46 Gramen
- GR47 Gramina
- GR48 Gramina
- GR49 Gramina
- GR50 Graneo ripe
- GR51 Gramis
- GR52 Grande et magne
- GR53 Grande
- GR54 Grande natum
- GR55 Grandeui
- GR56 Grandeuus
- GR57 Grandeuus
- GR58 Grandeuus
- GR59 Grandeuus
- GR60 Grandiloquium
- GR61 Grandis natu
- GR62 Grandis
- GR63 Granditatis
- GR64 Grandites
- GR65 Grandeuum
- GR66 Grando
- GR67 Grando
- GR68 Grando
- GR69 Graneo
- GR70 Granomaxtix
- GR71 Grassabantur
- GR72 Grassari
- GR73 Grassator
- GR74 Grassator
- GR75 Grassator
- GR76 Grassator
- GR77 Grassator
- GR78 Grassatur
- GR79 Grassatur
- GR80 Grassatur
- GR81 Grata
- GR82 Gratantium
- GR83 Gratare
- GR84 Gratatur
- GR85 Gratatio
- GR86 Grates
- GR87 Grates
- GR88 Grates et gratias
- GR89 Grates
- GR90 Grates
- GR91 Grates dignas
- GR92 Grates dignas
- GR93 Gratiae conciliator
- GR94 Gratificam
- GR95 Gratificat
- GR96 Gratificatur
- GR97 Gratificatur
- GR98 Gratificatur
- GR99 Gratificatus
- GR100 Gratificus
- GR101 Gratior
- GR102 Gratiosus
- GR103 Gratiosus
- GR104 Gratissimus
- GR105 Gratissima
- GR106 Gratuita
- GR107 Gratuitum
- GR108 Gratuitum
- GR109 Gratulamur
- GR110 Gratum est
- GR111 Gratus
- GR112 Gratis
- GR113 Gratum
- GR114 Grauabit
- GR115 Grauatum
- GR116 Grauatum
- GR117 Grauatum
- GR118 Grauatur et ingrauatur
- GR119 Grauatur
- GR120 Grauco
- GR121 Grauem
- GR122 Grauem
- GR123 Grauem
- GR124 Graue et grauidum
- GR125 Graue olentis
- GR126 Grauem
- GR127 Grauescella
- GR128 Graue
- GR129 Grauibus
- GR130 Graui cura
- GR131 Graui cura
- GR132 Grauida
- GR133 Grauidam
- GR134 Grauidam
- GR135 Grauiora
- GR136 Grauiora
- GR137 Grauis
- GR138 Grauis
- GR139 Grauis
- GR140 Grauis
- GR141 Grauis
- GR142 Grauis
- GR143 Grauis
- GR144 Grauis
- GR145 Grauis
- GR146 Grauis hictu
- GR147 Grauis
- GR148 Grauis
- GR149 Grauitas
- GR150 Grauitatem et grauitudinem
- GR151 Grauitas
- GR152 Grauiter
- GR153 Grauiter
- GR154 Grauis
- GR155 Gregales
- GR156 Greci
- GR157 Greci
- GR158 Grecia
- GR159 Grecos
- GR160 Grecum
- GR161 Greditur
- GR162 Gregalis
- GR163 Gregalis
- GR164 Gregalis
- GR165 Gregalis
- GR166 Gregales
- GR167 Gregatim
- GR168 Gregatos
- GR169 Greges
- GR170 Grege de intacto
- GR171 Gregores
- GR172 Gregosto
- GR173 Greiugena
- GR174 Gremia
- GR175 Gemiu
- GR176 Gremio telluris
- GR177 Gremium
- GR178 Gremium
- GR179 Gressa genus
- GR180 Gressu
- GR181 Gressum
- GR182 Gressum
- GR183 Gressum ad menia tendit
- GR184 Gressiunt
- GR185 Gressus
- GR186 Gressus
- GR187 Grex
- GR188 Grex
- GR189 Grillus
- GR190 Grina
- GR191 Grineas traxos
- GR192 Grineas taxos
- GR193 Gripas
- GR194 Gripas
- GR195 Gripes
- GR196 Gripes
- GR197 Gripus
- GR198 Gripus
- GR199 Gripus
- GR200 Gros
- GR201 Grosa
- GR202 Grossus suas
- GR203 Grues
- GR204 Grues
- GR205 Grus
- GR206 Grumula
- GR207 Grumulus
- GR208 Grumulus
- GR209 Grumulus
- GR210 Grunnitus
- GV1 Gubernat
- GV2 Gubernat
- GV3 Gubernat
- GV4 Gubernat
- GV5 Gubernator
- GV6 Gubernatorem et nautam
- GV7 Gubernio
- GV8 Gubernio
- GV9 Gula
- GV10 Gulosus
- GV11 Gumen
- GV12 Gurda
- GV13 Gurda
- GV14 Gurdus
- GV15 Gurgem
- GV16 Gurges
- GV17 Gurges
- GV18 Gurges
- GV19 Gurgis
- GV20 Gurgite
- GV21 Gurgite
- GV22 Gurgite
- GV23 Gurgite
- GV24 Gurgite
- GV25 Gurgite ab alto
- GV26 Gurgite ab Hibero
- GV27 Gurgite uasto
- GV28 Gurgulio
- GV29 Gurgulio
- GV30 Gurgulio
- GV31 Gurgulio
- GV32 Gurgulio
- GV33 Gurturne
- GV34 Gurgus
- GV35 Gurgustiolum
- GV36 Gurgustium
- GV37 Gurgutia
- GV38 Gurgutium
- GV39 Gurgutium
- GV40 Gurula
- GV41 Gustassent
- GV42 Gustus
- GV43 Gutta
- GV44 Guttat
- GV45 Guttatus
- GV46 Guua
| >>
De glosis: Gabaon
ciuitas metropolis+
L2A P ed. ]
metropilis L
LA P ]
hebrae- ed.
de qua Gabaonitae supplices uenerunt ad Iesum. (Gloss.)
- Lindsay:
- GA 1. cf. Hier. Sit. et Nom. 222.
L 136vb A 130rbP 18vc